TextAlerts Module
TextAlerts allows your Trac System to communicate with students and consultants via SMS notifications. Email notifications are built in to your Trac System; however, college students spend an average of 94 minutes per day texting (Source: Journal of Behavioral Additions).
Consider these additional important stats: Text messages have a 98% open rate vs. emails at a 20% open rate (Source: Mobile Marketing Watch).
Eighty-six percent (86%) of students reported that texts prompt them to complete a task they haven’t done yet, and 85% reported that texts informed them of something they hadn’t realized they needed to do (Source: Castleman and Page).
Technical Information
The TextAlerts module cannot run as a communication system on its own and must be added to a TracSystem: AdvisorTrac, TutorTrac, or FitnessTrac.
TextAlerts manages a method whereby users can opt in to receive alerts and how the notifications are sent, but the TracSystem provides the database, interface, and environment that is required to find and communicate with the students and consultants.
The TextAlerts module provides an opt-in method for your students and consultants to choose to receive text notifications. This opt-in process requires some communication from your TracSystem and our MsgTrac.com server. The two systems must be able to communicate via HTTP/S requests. Your IT professional may need to assist you with firewall access for this communication.