Use our customized online solutions to empower staff and students, collect critical metrics for reporting, and manage your resources effectively from any device.

TracSystems provide 24/7 access to curriculum, advising, tutoring, and tracking from wherever you are.

TracSystems by Redrock Software Corporation

Which solution suits your needs?


for Learning Centers


for Advising & Counseling Centers


for Fitness & Health Centers

Stop using outdated technology

According to the National Research Center

for College and University Admissions,

nearly 75% of U.S. colleges and universities

are using software more than a decade old

that no longer meets their needs.

COVID-19 has accelerated the need for 24/7 online access

to curriculum, advising, tutoring and tracking.

Redrock continues to lead the way, developing and refining

proven, customized solutions for over 20 years.

Stop using outdated technology

According to the National Research Center

for College and University Admissions,

nearly 75% of U.S. colleges and universities

are using software more than a decade old

that no longer meets their needs.

COVID-19 has accelerated the need for 24/7 online access

to curriculum, advising, tutoring and tracking.

Redrock continues to lead the way, developing and refining

proven, customized solutions for over 20 years.

Over 450 Different Universities and Colleges Use Redrock’s TracSystems

Monthly active users:
Total students in TracCloud:
Total visits in TracCloud:
Total students with Active Status:
Average visit time per month:
NIST SP800-53 rev 5 (High baseline) compliance status:

Security compliance packages supported:

HECVAT 3.0 Full

CAIQ 4.0

CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark

CMMC 2.0


"I have found the system stable and easy... navigate. The commitment of the TracCloud support team is by far the best I’ve experienced in decades. When a problem arises, they will work with you to quickly find a solution."

Preston A. Clark, D.E.T., M.S., Ed.S.
Delta College

"Based on CSUMB's experience with the new version of TracCloud...

...over the last two months, we're excited by the new reporting capabilities that will help us track use of both virtual and in-person tutoring. Redrock's support team has been extremely responsive and detail oriented helping us transition to the beta product!"

Lauren Reagan
At-Large Representative, Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance (ACTLA)

TracSystems solutions are customized especially for:

  • Student success centers

  • Academic advising centers

  • Tutoring centers

  • Admission counseling

  • Career advising

  • Student retention services

  • Testing centers

  • First year experience

  • Financial aid

  • Learning centers

  • Writing centers

  • Mathematics centers

TracSystems by Redrock Software Corporation

PO Box 40518, Mesa, AZ 85274

sales @

© 2024 Redrock Software Corporation | All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions

TracSystems by Redrock Software Corporation

PO Box 40518, Mesa, AZ 85274

sales @

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